1. SQLi Helper 2.7 by reiluke
Very useful tool. Just type vun website link and hit inject.
2. darkMySQLi.py by rsauron from darkc0de.com
To use this program, you will need python.
How to use?
1. Install Python to C:\ (or other drive, wocares)
2. Unrar darkMySQLi.py to Python25 folder
3. Go to: Start --> Run --> cmd
4. In cmd type cd C:\Python25\
5. It looks like C:\Python25. Now type python darkMySQLi.py and hit enter.
6. You will see program notes in command line. Type "--help" and program will show you all options.
This program helps you to find admin login page. Remember, then you type Website URL, always add / on URL end.
4. Blind SQLi by reiluke
Helps to dump data when you using blind SQLi.
5. Diamondhack vuln scanner
Scanning websites and shows vuns. Type dork, and wait a few minutes.