Just follow these steps and have fun....
1.Go to LINK and you will see a similar website like Google and Google logo will be animated.
2.Go to LINK and move your cursor on the screen and see the fun.
3.Go to LINK and you will get all the logos of Google.
4.Go to LINK and search something that you want to calculate and it will give the calculated answer.
5.Go to LINK and you will see a strange version of Google.
6.Go to LINK and you will get map of moon by Google maps.
7.Go to LINK and you will see black version of Google.
8.Go to LINK and type your name and it will create a search engine with your name instead of Google.
9.Go to LINK and it will give you the mirror image of Google.
10.Go to LINK and move your cursor on the screen and have fun with Google.
11.Go to LINK for more such Google tricks.
BY : MaHeR-BrO
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