Sunday, 30 June 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013 With Keys

Protects against all viruses 

By combining cloud-based functionality and powerful security technologies that run on your PC, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013 delivers essential security against today’s threats. 

Detects new, emerging and unknown threats 

The cloud-based Kaspersky Security Network gathers data from millions of participating users’ systems around the world… to help defend you from the very latest viruses and malware attacks. Potential threats are monitored and analysed – in real-time – and dangerous actions are completely blocked before they can cause any harm. 

Identifies suspicious websites and phishing websites 

Advanced anti-phishing technologies proactively detect fraudulent URLs and use real-time information from the cloud, to help ensure you’re not tricked into disclosing your valuable data to phishing websit. 

Posted By Maher Bro