Thursday, 1 December 2011

Learn How to Hacker send Self-destructing email to Vitim (also find Vitim ip address)

This method is very useful for to send secret message to your friend. That method is also very useful of lovebird. How make self destructing  msg follow the method.

1) First to make account on this site. And register on it.
2) After creating successfully account  and go to your regular mail account and send mail to friend
Ex.   as shown image how to send email to Vitim.

v3) At vitim side that receive message and  read message after  1 minute msg  will remove look something  like this as show in below image.

4) Now using  self destructing service also track person location and ip who read ur msg.  Go to 
Login your account in that site. And after you will see mail you send from other email account .and open it. You will get detail like below.

Using this technique also you can find vitim exact location and service provider ip address.